I thought this period of time was going to be a very difficult one: to be honest, I was mainly afraid that my clients will close their offices too, and because of that, I would have to close mine too.
I never believed one gets to run so many projects, without leaving your office. Being a woman of action, my understanding of a say, claim investigation, was to work in the field, be that field a pathology dept, hospital ER, police station, locating witnesses and pry their secrets from their closed mouths, and so forth.
No small surprise to me when I conducted 3 such claim investigations inside a week, which is unheard of when it comes to my experience. True, I have been known to wrap some 4 claim investigations in about 2 weeks, but 3 in less than a week without leaving my office (read a not so spacious living room)…that was a first.
We are, as always, open for business as usual. Borders may be shut, public institutions access can be guarded, but by Jove, phones, Zoom, WhatsApp and Skype are not. Insurance claim investigations had entered a new era, that of the Pandemic!